Sunday, 11 September 2011


Article1: Money lending.

Action against poverty is a Community Based Organization (CBO), Non-political, Non-profit making and Non-tribal. It is founded in 2003, and registered in 2006 with as a CBO with Moyo District Local Government with the registration number CR/AAP/20.

Action against poverty has been formed to undertake an integrated approach and provide solutions to drawbacks created by the catastrophic poverty (causing a lot of damage and suffering) in Northern Uganda to which Moyo and madi sub-region as whole.

Training of group members of Ariru Savings group on household IGA and savings
In the centre of the group is a box for saving.

Due to a number of reasons such as decades of socio-economic and political turmoil (exile period to the Sudan) and natural hazards, agriculture has gone down Mr. Drati George the coordinator of AAP said. Lot of lives were lost leading to shortage in human resource, stress, hatred, low production, low income, and mal-nutrition leading to catastrophic poverty.

Previous Achievements of AAP.
The organization has operational office in Moyo town in Okudi road.
More than twenty groups with average number of thirty per group (30x20x=600) have been trained in IGA and resource mobilization, household plan-making, household income generating activities (IGA) and household joint savings.
   Training of group members of Opikojo Saving’s group on household IGA and savings.

Training of group members of Ariru Saving’s group on household IGA and savings.


Due to poor feeding culture and performance of pupils and students in schools cause all types of suffering and affects the upgrading of children and adults in their activities.

Given positive advice to support the populaces, most of these setbacks will be addressed and majority of the people will be raised out of the terrible poverty.

Prepared by:
Field Officer
Metu Maarifa Centre.